There are several good reasons why you should guard your company secrets. Not only does your data help you operate your business, but it can be a legal requirement. For example, the law may require you to protect your customers’ names, addresses, telephone numbers, and financial information.
Even the most influential companies in the world aren’t immune to corporate espionage. For example, a hardware engineer stole data from Apple involving manuals, schematics, and diagrams while working on their driverless car program. Let’s look at some steps that may help you shield your company’s data from theft:
1. Top Cybersecurity Software
You’ve probably seen cases of ransomware hurting organizations on the news. But ransomware isn’t the only concern for companies. For example, a Trojan horse can drop spyware on company computers and help threat actors steal data. But what is spyware and how can it impact your company?
Spyware is a type of malware that hides in your company systems and can send keystrokes, screenshots, images, documents, and more to a hacker. To protect yourself from computer worms, Trojan horses, spyware, rootkits, and more, please find endpoint and remediation tools that use artificial intelligence to power anti-malware technology.
In addition, use firewalls to enhance network security. A secure VPN (Virtual Private Network) for businesses is also essential if your company employs remote working protocols. A good VPN will encrypt the data traveling from a VPN client to a VPN server.
2. Strong Passwords
Strong passwords are an excellent line of defense against hackers. Your passwords should be long and complex. Employees should also avoid using the same passwords for work and personal use. To strengthen this process more, enable two-factor authentication protocols.
3. Remove Legacy Software
Remove legacy software from all systems. Old software can be dangerous because it doesn’t update. Hackers can exploit unpatched security holes to breach network defenses.
4. Background Checks
You must perform thorough background checks when hiring employees to avoid becoming a target of corporate espionage. Please have employees sign non-disclosure and non-compete agreements. Use your networking tools to ensure that data is only accessible on a need-to-know basis. Please also follow the right protocols when dealing with employees who are leaving the company. For example, revoke all their access credentials to be safe.
5. Manage Employees
The right software can help you observe employee activity. For example, you can use corporate keyloggers to monitor employees and investigate untoward incidents. Of course, you must also train your staff to recognize malware attack vectors like phishing. Such fake emails can trick employees into installing ransomware on company computers.
6. Avoid Printing
Avoid printing company secrets to prevent physical theft. Please use a watermark and a timestamp if you must print and share sensitive documents to track them.
7. Shred Shred Shred
Remember, it’s often easier for an employee to steal physical documents instead of digital ones. To prevent physical theft, use a document shredder regularly to destroy unneeded documents if you must print them. Your employees should also understand that it’s not acceptable to photocopy sensitive material.
These are seven steps that can help you shield your company’s data. Follow the proper procedures to avoid mishaps and safeguard the future of your organization.