8 Different Applications for Biofuels

by Josh Biggs in Tips on 18th June 2020

Contrary to belief, biofuel has more uses than being an alternative to diesel. Biofuel provides cooking and clean up oil as well as hydrogen. Biofuels can also replace energy needs, such as vehicle fuel and heating homes.

Over 30% of the energy used in the U.S is mostly used for fuelling vehicles. Alternative fuel sources such as wind, solar and other types of alternative fuels are not practical for powering vehicles. Biofuels are derived from biomass, which is an organic matter that comes from living organisms such as corn kernels, coffee beans, algae, jatropha, etc.

Applications for biofuels include:

  1. Clean Grease and Oil Spills

Biofuel is environmentally friendly and helps to clean up grease and oil spills. It has been put to the test as a cleaning agent where crude oil has contaminated water bodies. It increases the recovery area and allows the oil to be cleared from the water. Biofuel can be useful as an industrial solvent for cleaning metallic surfaces because it lacks toxic impacts.

  1. Lubricate

Diesel fuel is needed for the reduction of sulfur concentration, as sulfur is what provides lubricity in fuel. The lubricity is especially crucial in maintaining engine function.

  1. Cooking

Kerosene is very common for non-wick lanterns and stoves, but biodiesel is also an alternative.

  1. Charging Electronics

A fuel cell was developed using sugar and cooking oil to generate electricity. Consumers can use these cells instead of batteries to charge electronics such as laptops and cell phones. These cells are still in the initial development stages but have the potential to become a source of power.

  1. Bioheat

Bioheat is the present-day clean-burning alternative to conventional home heating oil. Bioheat oil is a mix of biodiesel fuel and traditional heating oil. Biofuel does not contain any petroleum, but you can blend it with petroleum diesel.

  1. Create Alternative Energy

As the fossil oil supply in the world dwindles, we have to come up with alternative fuel solutions, and ways to extract fuel without damaging the environment. Fossil fuel was formed millions of years ago, and it will take millions more to replenish it. Biofuel helps the government create a stable and reliable method of producing cost-effective energy.

  1. Reduce the need and cost of importing oil

The United States uses over 84% of the petroleum produced in the world. Since 2006, the U.S has been decreasing the need for imported oil. This reduction allows biofuels to become an alternative in energy reduction. Experts say the replacement of imported oil with other options will help to stabilize the U.S economy when oil is unavailable.

  1. Energy Generation

In addition to fuel production for the transportation industry, fuel cells have a power generating use used for electricity. Biofuel is used to create power for back-up systems such as hospitals and schools or residential areas. The largest biofuel market to turn to the generation of energy for more 350,000 homes using landfill gas is the U.K. Landfill gas is produced naturally as organic matter in landfills decays. Landfill gas is 40 t0 60% methane gas, and the rest mostly carbon dioxide.


As we deplete the world’s fossil fuels, the world needs to have alternative means of producing energy. Biofuels are derived from biomass, which is made from living organisms. Biofuel is used to power up mechanisms that can also run on traditional fossil fuels. Biofuels can cover at least 15% of the market and a total amount of 1 billion gallons. This is why biofuel companies are currently on a rise.

Biofuel works as an alternative to fossil fuel, such as diesel and gasoline. Biofuels can also be produced in a lab, and this is important for the future when we will not have fossil fuels to depend on. Fossil fuel was formed over millions of years, and we know that it can never be replenished in our lifetime. Biofuel will have to be the go-to source of fuel once the fossil fuel runs out.

Categories: Tips

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