
DIY Payroll: How to Manage Payroll Yourself

by Josh Biggs in Finance on 14th May 2019

Did you know that just over 153 million people work in the United States? That’s a lot of people who need to receive payment every week, bi-weekly or monthly.

If you are the person in charge of payroll, you may want to know where to start in order to do the job well.

Here’s how to manage payroll yourself.

The Different Types of Payment

You have to figure out which type of payment method works best for you and your business.

Some of the most common methods of payment are direct deposit, paycheck, cash, and payroll cards.

Paychecks work best if you have employees who don’t have their own banking account. Your employees can cash these checks using a service for a fee.

Cash is another option you can use for paying your employees. Make sure you always keep good records when you deal with cash. This will help when it comes to preparing for taxes.

Direct deposit is the best option for the employees who use a bank account. This option allows you to go directly into your bank account.

Payroll cards are electronic funds on a prepaid card that you give to your employees. These cards are great because they can use them to directly buy groceries. They can also go to an ATM to take the cash out.

The Frequency and Schedule When You Manage Payroll

Another aspect of doing payroll accounting is knowing how frequent your payments will happen for the employees. You can normally base this on if they make a salary or if they make hourly pay.

This is also when you need to consider if the employee is tax exempt or not.

Would you like to pay them twice a week, once a week, or once every other week?

There are also options of paying your employees on a monthly basis if that works best for you and them.

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Knowing Tax Information

When dealing with your employee’s payments, you should first start with knowing their tax information. This part of the process is standard practice for any job.

When you’re working to onboard a new employee to your company, have them fill out a tax form like a W-4 or a W-2. This information helps maintain the payments and allows for taxing the payments as well.

You can explain to your new employees that taxes work by knowing how many dependents they have. The more dependents, like children and spouses, the less money comes out for taxes during each pay period.

Do Your Research

These tips for how to manage payroll will help you have a strong handle on payroll accounting for your small business startup. Doing additional research will have you thoroughly knowing the payroll process and doing it with ease.

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Categories: Finance

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