by Josh Biggs in Tips on 27th September 2021

Covid-19 changed the world in many ways and brought many companies to a screeching halt. Jobs were lost in all sectors, and job loads were increased for the people that did continue to stay working. Employees were retrained to either move into different job roles, or to take on more responsibilities. 

According to a UK-based job board called CV Library, 64.7% of IT professionals felt insecure in their jobs. Day to day they went in hoping that they would have a job by the end of the day. Corporate-wide cutbacks and the lack of certainty led to a drop of 43.9% in IT jobs that they had listed on the job board. 

The pandemic has taken a toll on all of us. Business owners, managers, employees, and consumers have all been hit in one way or another. Covid-19 has made some huge waves in society as a whole and has caused us to create changes in how businesses operate. Working from home, when possible, has allowed people to collect paychecks while staying on lockdown.

In all this bad news the IT sector saw a hugely positive note. The United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics found that there was a 1.2% increase in IT jobs. Professionals that are in the field have had to adapt, and change, as the pandemic continues to affect the nation. More people working online means more opportunities for IT professionals. 

New programs had to be made for companies that had remote workers. The employees not only needed to be able to access work files from home, but networks had to be formed to connect the data to people in numerous different locations. It also become important for managers to be able to track the work that was being done. Connecting computer systems and allowing outside access required even more programming.

The number of online meetings increased dramatically, giving IT professionals even more work trying to make the live feeds more reliable. The more people that use internet service, the slower things become. Experts needed to step up and find ways to support the increase in online usage.

As the world slowly gets back to normal the demand for information technology professionals will start to climb. Technological advances have raised the bar on the knowledge needed to support them. The increase in the use of handheld devices and computers has also created numerous other jobs within the same sectors. 

Data analytics now plays a huge role in companies. It allows better projections for increased retention and growth. New teams will have to be created with a wide variety of IT knowledge. Reading, analyzing, and deciphering data will be jobs all to their own. It will simply not be possible for a small team of marketing employees to keep up with the demand. IT roles will have to be created to support cross functional teams.

The pandemic is still wreaking havoc in nations with the variations that come up. People that can work from home will continue to do so. Employees that cannot work from a home office will try to find ways to get to that point. Companies will have to adjust to remote workers and still find ways to stay profitable. The bottom line is that even though IT professionals have found themselves in uncertain water, the growth of the industry gives a light at the end of the tunnel. New jobs have been created within the industry that will rely on IT experts to get the job done. 

Categories: Tips

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