web traffic

How Reddit helps to Get Overwhelming Web Traffic

by Josh Biggs in Digital Marketing on 30th March 2020

Reddit named itself as the internet’s front page and the name seems justifiable as Reddit has more than 200 million unique account holders and it receives eight billion page views every month.  It is ranked as the 9th biggest website in the U.S. The average time spent on the website is approximately 13 minutes and users cast more than 25 million votes per day. So, it is not wrong to say that Reddit is the latest reservoir. 

Marketers around the world are leveraging this huge platform to create brand recognition and get more traffic to their sites. However, you won’t get expected results if your Reddit account is barely active or just a few months old. People don’t take time to tag you inauthentic and dismiss you instantly. It is not fair to ignore simply because you are a new account holder on Reddit, but that’s how things are. Fortunately, you can purchase high-quality Reddit accounts today which will serve you in the best possible ways. You can purchase authentic accounts and choose Market Sentinel’s Reddit Accounts Packages as per your requirements.       

Reddit can be used as a powerful tool to drive huge traffic to your website. If you have a high-quality account and know how to use the platform in the right way, your online presence will improve in no time.

Why people buy Reddit accounts

Purchasing an old and active Reddit account can make your marketing posts look more legitimate. If you promote a product or service, there are high chances that you will be considered as spam if your account is recently opened. But, the account is a few years old and has some Karma; you will not be viewed as a spammer.

Remember, Redditors don’t like marketing when it does not look genuine or like a real recommendation. You should also understand that there are subreddits accounts that have minimum requirements before you can start posting or commenting. You need some stats to create your Subreddit. If you want to start your activities on Reddit as soon as you join, you might consider purchasing Market Sentinel’s Reddit Accounts Packages to help you add “legitimacy” to your brand. 

How high-quality; old Reddit account generates traffic

One of the main purposes of purchasing Reddit accounts is to generate and direct a huge number of website traffic at low rates. Getting good website traffic means it will help you get more leads. From brand reputation to your offerings, website visitors will know about your company and if you are good, you can even direct them to become a buyer. 

There are several ways to drive traffic to your website.

One way is by commenting relevant stuff in a particular community on Subreddit. Make sure the comment is helpful to the post. After sharing helpful insight, you link your website for more information. This is a great way to generate traffic without going too pushy. 

Another way is by running ad campaigns using Reddit Ads. This is used by marketers to directly promote their products or services.

However, in order to generate a good amount of traffic, you need lots of positive Karma and upvotes. Besides, your account should also be an old one to get enough traffic. Manually creating a Reddit account now will not give your results. So, purchasing ready to build accounts guarantees heavy web traffic. 

Categories: Digital Marketing

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