As an employer or manager of a team, you need to make sure that you are looking after your employees and that they are comfortable coming into work each day. Unfortunately, in 2021, there are still many people who experience racism in the workplace, no matter how hard everyone is working to stop it.
If you do hear of or notice racism in your workplace, you need to be ready to act and deal with it as effectively as possible. Below, we thought we’d give you some of our tips to help you manage this in the right way.
Take Them Very Seriously
The last thing you want to do as an employer is to brush off a racism complaint that could be true. You need to show that you are supportive and that you are willing to take action where it is needed. You should take any complaints about racism in the workplace very seriously, otherwise, you could find that you get caught up in a legal case. Address the problem, gather evidence and follow the protocols.
Contact Your Solicitor
If an employee is experiencing racism in the workplace, they may come to you first before contacting employment solicitors. Usually, solicitors will handle the complaint process and ensure they get the results that they desire. However, it doesn’t hurt for you to contact your own employment law firm to discuss the matter and make sure that you are handling it properly. They can guide you on the right path and make sure that you don’t worsen the situation.
Take Action When Required
If there is evidence to support the act of racism in the workplace, you need to take action. The action that you take will depend on the circumstances and the wishes of those involved. For example, the victim might request that the racist is removed from their position and this may or may not be legally possible. You must be willing to compromise and follow the right course of action. Don’t let your loyalties get in the way!
Educate Your Workforce
Finally, you should make sure to educate your workforce on racism to ensure they are not making the same mistakes. This is extremely important if you have had more than one report of racism in the workplace as it could be a more serious problem. There are plenty of external companies who offer anti-racism training that can really help. With more education, we can all strive to be better in 2021.
Use These Tips
Dealing with a racism complaint is never easy but it is something that you might have to do as an employer or a manager. If you have received a complaint, you should take action as quickly and effectively as you can. Seek legal advice and follow the wishes of the victim. If you can support them through this process, you can show that you care as an employer.