The training program in an organization is not only for the present but also for future purposes. It is planned for the future, as per the expected situations,and trainees are prepared for the unforeseeable challenges. LMSs help prepare for what’s coming (or not). But, the future of training is also required to be prepared for. Here’s how it can be handled.
- Usage of sustainable technology solutions
It is imperative that proper investment is made to the training program and care is taken that the solutions generated stay relevant for a long time to come. This makes the training continuously relevant and stable, which in turn results in less expenditure. The strategies and technologies applied to training should not just be passing fads but techniques expected to be around for a long time.
- Modular content strategy
This content strategy actually is facilitated by other technologies for its operation. This strategy insists on creating content in small modules so that if and ever the content becomes outdated and has served its purpose, it can be replaced with a new one without having to disrupt the rest of the data or modules. Microlearning can be used as a guiding light but modular content need not stop at that.
- Experience Application Programming Interface
This is a new development in application programming and seems to be the future. It has already started to be extensively used and is simple as well as flexible. A multitude of things can be recognized and communicated through xAPI. They are, simulations, mobile learning, social learning, buying behavior, mobile learning, virtual reality, real-world activities, offline learning, experiential learning, etc. It is community-driven as well as is free to implement.
- Export friendly formats
While choosing an LMS, it is important to choose the one that entertains a wide range of formats. Also, try to use formats that are easily exportable to others in case it is required to switch. This also helps in the case when a product or format is discontinued and you need to export it elsewhere to be used in the future.
- Control over content and related assets
All the contracts must be properly read and understood before signing them. More so in the case of content and related resources. You need to make an informed decision signifying the content rights. Few LMSs reserve the right to the content created on their platform. This means that in case you want to switch your LMS, you could not possibly take your custom content with you. This means, you would be forced to either continue using the offending LMS or switch without the content created painstakingly and is relevant to you. Thus, owning the rights to resources means having the decision-making power within your hands regarding its usage and the future.
- Continuous learning
Continuous learning is the only way to stay on top of everything. One can plan for the future only so much. Constantly being in the loop with what is up in the industry and your own organization can help make significant decisions and be prepared for the future.
- Experiment
Whenever there are some new trend-making waves in the industry, it is important to know if it works for you without blocking a huge amount of money as an investment. Thus, if something catches your fancy, you can test it out gradually, possibly in a department, and introduce it to a larger population over the course of time if found successful.
Planning and being ready for the future is a conscious effort that is based on knowledge and instinct. Goal-oriented visionaries are perfect leaders for this job. Cloud Academy aids such knowledgeable managers to decide the training requirements of the organization and prepare for the future.