Are you someone whose job requires them to travel often? Maybe your business trips are more infrequent – only once or twice a year, perhaps. Either way, you want to make sure your journey to that important meeting, pitch or conference run as smoothly as possible. By taking all the stress out of travel, you’ll arrive at your destination in a relaxed frame of mind, ready to take on the world.
If you are somebody who undertakes the odd business trip here or there, you’re certainly not alone. It’s estimated that in 2018 there were 6.6 million business trips taken to the UK, with 8 million embarked upon from these shores.
Whether you’re a regular or a novice on these journeys, it’s important that you prepare properly. Here are a few tips to help you do that.
Examine the company policy
All businesses should have a protocol in place for when their employees travel for work, and it’s important that you familiarise yourself with this. For example, some organisations may require you to stay only in hotels which have been approved by the company and some use limo for business meetings travel like Limo Find. Alternatively, they may ask you to select the most cost-efficient transport option. If it’s a journey that you make frequently by train, for instance, you may want to think about using carnet tickets to cut back on expenses.
Check travel insurance
It’s possible that this is already covered by your employer, but you should always check the details before departing. If misfortune were to strike and you were injured or your flights were cancelled, you need to be certain that you’re fully protected by a suitable policy. Otherwise, you could wind up significantly out of pocket.
Pack efficiently
Where possible, it’s always advisable to travel light. If you’re only going away for a couple of days, there’s no need to take dozens of changes of clothes. Simply run through your itinerary, make a list of what you’ll need and find the right case to hold everything. After all, nobody wants to be struggling with an enormous bag in the airport or on the train.
Book accommodation early
Sometimes, emergency situations call for impromptu trips, where planning can be difficult. But most business meetings are in the calendar well in advance, so it makes sense to be organised when it comes to booking your accommodation, too. By getting in there early, you might be able to find a great deal, which is bound to keep the bean-counters happy!
Check your passport is valid
Ok, so this is an obvious one but if it’s an international business trip, it’s the most important. Always check the expiry date of your passport and make sure you’re going to be allowed to travel. Having to admit to your bosses that you missed a meeting because of a needless oversight is unlikely to make you popular with the higher-ups.