It isn’t hard to see why cyber criminals frequently target businesses. Many business databases are treasure troves of sensitive financial information and important client documents, and if unwelcome visitors are able to find their way into your network, they can do considerable harm. That being the case, every business owner owes it to themselves, their workforce and their clients to make cyber security a top priority. Enterprises that are ready to get serious about protecting their data would do well to consider the following network security pointers.
Network Encryption
When it comes to locking down your office network, encryption is an absolute must. While there are several different forms of encryption offered by most routers, your best bet is generally WPA2, as it’s far more difficult to crack than WEP, AES and TKIP. Additionally, abstain from using your router’s default password and log-in. Since most routers come with built-in log-in credentials for their respective administration menus, crooks can easily find their way in if they’re able to ascertain a router’s manufacturer and model number. As such, changing this info should be your first priority after getting a new router. After the new log-ins are created, be very discerning about who you share them with. Most employees don’t require access to your router’s administration menu, so this shouldn’t prove terribly difficult.
Hide Your Network
Hiding your network can be the perfect way to complement encryption. You can do this by going into the network administration menu and electing not to broadcast your network’s SSID. This will prevent third parties from seeing your network and prohibit new devices from logging on. Of course, the downside to this is having to temporarily turn SSID back on every time you wish to connect a new device to the network, but this minor inconvenience is a small price to pay for an additional layer of security. Furthermore, enabling and disabling SSID shouldn’t take more than a few seconds.
Smart Naming
If turning off SSID isn’t an option, giving your network an unassuming name may prove effective at keeping uninvited guests at bay. For example, if your network name is something along the lines of “SmithWebDesign,” anyone viewing nearby networks is guaranteed to realize that it belongs to a business. Additionally, avoid using your router’s default network name. Most routers come with network names that reveal their makers and model numbers, and cyber criminals can do quite a bit with that information. Ergo, for best results, abstain from using network names that make reference to your business or the type of router you own.
Password Protection
Password protecting your network is among the most basic – and most effective – ways to keep it safe. Some cybercriminals exclusively target unsecure networks, and taking this simple measure can stop them in their tracks. However, password protection only works when employees abstain from sharing passwords with third parties. With this in mind, seek to create a culture of security around your office. Make sure every team member understands the importance of network security and how vital is it that they keep passwords to themselves. Everyone being on the same page with regard to security can significantly reduce the likelihood of slip-ups and network breaches. For added protection, make sure to use a corporate password management software.
Security Software
No enterprise should be without a dependable network security program. Finding the right web security service can be a boon to your business’s long-term security. When shopping around, look for products that offer data loss prevention, sandbox analysis and centralized management. The right program will be able to detect and eliminate a broad assortment of cyber threats, ensuring the security of your network for years to come.
Businesses of all sizes are among the most common targets of cyber criminals. If the wrong people are able to get their hands on an enterprise’s financial data, client info or employee records, they can do substantial damage. Fortunately, keeping unwelcome visitors off your office network doesn’t have to be an exercise in endurance. With the help of the previously discussed tips, you can effectively secure your office network and provide yourself, your workforce and your clients with tremendous peace of mind.