Learn about VoIP telephony

by Josh Biggs in Tech on 9th February 2021

The use of VoIP services has grown considerably since their early beginnings, not only in scope but in applicability too. This new technology has been around for a couple of decades and has proved to give phone systems both flexibility and portability, which is why businesses and internet users have quickly benefited from it.

There are many important factors that need to be taken under consideration when choosing to switch from conventional telephony to this cloud one, such as costs, simplicity and movability. No matter the purpose of use, VoIP systems are definitely the best option for companies and netizens of all kinds.

Resources show that over 10 million meetings are made every day in the US, some through video conferences and others through VoIP services, although most business owners and individual users prefer making virtual phone and video calls since they are easier and cheaper than landline telephone calls.

How it works

Voice over Internet Protocol has become the most significant development in telecommunications technology since smartphones were invented. As opposed to traditional phone lines, VoIP works by taking analog audio signals and turning them into digital data that is automatically transmitted over the internet – the use of standard internet connection to communicate is worth less than a fraction of the cost of common telephony systems.

Users can make and receive calls on different devices, such as smartphones, computers, tablets and even traditional telephones with a VoIP adapter. Plus, since there are no geographical limitations, users can take their VoIP system anywhere they want with no additional charges.

Devices that use VoIP services count with tons of other incredible functionalities that improve all types of communications. Some of these features include:

  • Automated Attendants 
  • Call Transfers
  • Call Holds
  • Caller ID
  • Different VoIP numbers
  • Video and Audio Transmissions
  • Instant Messaging

As said before, virtual telephony systems are much less expensive, more adaptable and easier to control and manage, which is why nowadays they have greater demand than traditional landlines.

Types of VoIP Systems 

This technology comes in a variety of forms that can be implemented and utilized according to the needs of each company and internet user. It is very important to know the different functionalities of each one of these systems before making the right decision – there is a lot of misconception and lack of knowledge when it comes to virtual phone services.

Each of these VoIP systems has its own level of complexity at the moment of implementation and maintenance, so let’s take a look at them:

Software-based System

It is the simplest form of VoIP, used by many on the daily bases. This solution can be accessed through a web application or be installed as software on the computer, which is quite useful when paired with headphones, a microphone and a web camera. One of the world’s most popular software-based VoIP is Skype, with about 40 million active users worldwide. 

While Skype and other similar VoIP services suit perfectly to entrepreneurs with small start-up companies, businessmen and internet users that demand more powerful tools of communications should preferably use the next solution:

Self-hosted System

It is more commonly referred to as Private Branch Exchange (PBX). This type of phone system requires every user to own and pay for the necessary equipment, which means that installation and call delivery must be made by each user.

This VoIP system can be hard to set up, since users must have specific technological knowledge and a good domain expertise of it. It is necessary to install a private branch network to route calls to different phones within the system and a PSTN gateway to convert analog signals into digital signals ready to deliver over the network.

Large businesses that count on manpower and enough resources are more recommended to implement this VoIP solution.

Cloud-based System

This is actually the best voice over ip phone system for business in the market. There is no need to install any complex software or buy expensive equipment before using it, a third-party provider is in charge of the entire installation and call delivery. 

It is appropriate for growing businesses since it allows them to add several phone lines when necessary. Even though this cloud-hosted phone service usually charges a monthly fee, enterprises of all kinds can acquire their own telephone lines attached to their needs, which increases their productivity and performance.

This particular VoIP system can also be really useful for netizens seeking to move around the internet without providing any kind of personal information like ID or a real phone number – many are now using VoIP telephone numbers to bypass sms account verification. 

There are two different VoIP numbers that can be acquired for this purpose: Fixed and Non-Fixed.

Which is better?

The main difference between these two is that Fixed numbers need to be linked to a physical location, as opposed to Non-Fixed. For example, if a user is located in Brazil and wants to use a virtual phone to verify a Netflix account, getting a Fixed number will be useless considering the difference of locations – Non-Fixed numbers are better and more suitable to people’s needs.

They are better known as Non VoIP and can easily be obtained by a virtual service provider without giving much information; most services only require a valid email for a quick signup, which is the case of VerifyWithSMS.

Operated by the Epsilon Technology LTD company, this US phone verification service stands out for offering a traditional telephony feature but without the hassle of high costs of installation and hardware: instant messaging. 

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Users from all over the world are purchasing these disposable Non VoIP numbers to validate their online accounts as they receive a verification code that will complete the signup process in different platforms, such as Google Voice, Yahoo, Amazon, Uber, Tinder, Facebook, Youtube and others.

This virtual service is best known for its low prices and the variety of payment methods that fit to each user’s comfort. As these Non VoIP numbers come from real telephone carriers, they are completely trustworthy and available for all purposes.

Without a doubt, this service is simple, fast and reliable. Virtual telephony is the evolution of communication means, and it is up to you to keep up with it. Don’t waste time and purchase real US based phones!

Categories: Tech

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