Mobile Phones vs. Two-Way Radios: Choosing Right for Your Worksite

by Josh Biggs in Mobile on 23rd November 2019

When you’re working in a job that requires a team effort to accomplish goals, your team will need to quickly get messages across to other team members. When the message is urgent, there’s no time to wait for text messages to appear. You need to get the attention of the rest of your team because time is of the essence.

Luckily, there’s a reliable way to spread the word to the rest of your team that has been useful for generations. Before the cell phone came around, people were using radios to get in touch with each other. Radios have gotten more effective over the past few years; the transmitters and receivers have been further developed to make two way radios a more efficient way for team members to communicate with each other.

Getting messages to your team

Getting messages to other members on your team is part of the job. In order to let other team members know that an urgent situation is developing, you need to have a reliable way to send and receive messages. When you are working with a group where everyone is located together in the same area, you should rely upon two-way radios to transmit information throughout the group.

Cell phones are helpful to send and receive messages from locations that are spread apart because cell phone signals will reach far. However, cell phones aren’t as effective in getting the attention of everyone in the group when an urgent situation occurs. A phone call might be sent to voicemail, but the radio is guaranteed to make plenty of noise.

Cellphones vs. two-way radios

Mobile phones have a lot of interesting features that have been developed to make these intricately designed pieces of technology invaluable for researching information from the internet and contacting individuals from around the world. However, mobile phones are inferior to two-way radios when it comes to organizing a team of individuals for an event or workplace.

Two-way radios keep people in touch with each other when they are working towards a similar goal. On the other hand, mobile phones provide too many distractions that might take team members away from the job at hand.

Two-way radio applications

The reason that two-way radios are perfect to keep team members working towards a shared goal is because they have been developed to simplify communication. On the other hand, mobile phones have been developed to process large amounts of information, much like a personal computer.

Two-way radios are perfect for workplaces where team members need to remain in contact with each other in order to perform their jobs. One of the most common occupations where individuals must rely upon two-way radios is when team members are involved in providing security services. Security team members need to remain focused on their jobs, so they need a way to communicate with each other that won’t distract them with other technology.

If something goes wrong in the space, other team members need to be notified about any issues. Two-way radios are also useful for people who are working in warehouses, hospitals, schools, construction sites, and large job sites.

Advantages of a two-way radio

Many people are surprised to find that two-way radios are better for large job sites than mobile phones. After you consider these three logical points about the situation, you’ll be convinced of which type of technology should be used in your workplace.

The first important consideration that you must make is how these types of technology operate. Mobile phones are effective at relaying information when they have a signal from a cell phone tower to assist them. If the signal isn’t good, the mobile phone is useless. When you’re on a job site, there’s a good chance the cell phone tower will be too far away, or the building might be in a spot that doesn’t have reception.

The second reason mentioned in the article is about the usefulness of two-way radios in emergency situations. When a disaster scenario occurs, you need to get the attention of everyone on your team. Mobile phones don’t always do the job. Two-way radios are the piece of technology upon which professionals rely.

The final argument for two-way radios in place of mobile phones revolves around their durability. Cell phones rely upon a fancy screen to display information, but a two-way radio is robust and simple in design. Two-way radios will withstand more water damage than the average mobile phone.

Categories: Mobile

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