Pros and Cons to know before applying React JS in projects

by Josh Biggs in Tech on 8th July 2021

In the world of web development, ReactJS is well known for being a beneficial and effective framework tool. 

For ReactJS web development services, there are several things one has to know to successfully engage it in web projects and work, especially when it comes to social media and messengers but not limited to them. React is being used by Uber, Netflix, Airbnb, Facebook, Twitter, and many others. It is also used for blogs, e-commerce websites, dashboards, cross-platform mobile apps, and single platform apps. 

First and foremost, it is popular for forming and creating appropriate UI/UX. Due to the fact that User Interface is an integral part of web development, it is vital for digital customer engagement, as it is the key thing that customers see and deal with when they reach a web page. Because of this and some other reasons, React JS is overall a fast-to-market framework, can be a good option for development services selection. 

The features listed hereunder are worth considering, as ReactJS might have pros and cons, that can impact the essential development processes. 

Advantages of ReactJS

As a web application development tool, ReactJS is quite popular, and its usage only grows. And this trend is also noted by Google, according to which it is now the No.1 web development framework. ReactJS has quite a few advantages that help to gain its popularity. It is useful and efficient when it comes to minimum efforts in coding, helps to create interactive UI, and provides good performance possibilities. 

And here we suggest getting acquainted with the advantages technically a bit deeper.  

Document Object Model

This feature is actually the answer to why it is an efficient and faster-to-market development framework. It provides a structure to the Html document and web page. The latter has an object-oriented form. It creates space for programming to interact with it. It also provides wonderful possibilities to interact with the browser, update it. However, modern web pages have big DOM, which might slow down the work of the website because of the constant updates (in its turn, which is part of a routine). So, it just takes much more time than it actually could. Thus, when using React JS, it has a possibility of virtual DOM, which is an unheavy version of actual DOM. It smoothes work and saves time for updates, as smaller virtual DOM is updating with an actual real DOM itself. 

The usage of a virtual Document Object Model is an efficient way to speed up updates and overall processes. In the process of interaction between virtual and actual Object Models, ReactJS serves as a comparison tool because it is able to track and compare what has changed and updates only what needs to be updated, not the whole DOM. As a result, the processes run smoothly, time efficiently and the web page is easily updated. For example, it helps to create email drafts, or it helps to update the app, which is being actively used by many users, and it doesn’t stop it from being in use while updating. 


As we already mentioned, broad UI possibilities are one of the strongest advantages in the world of digital interaction with customers and website visitors. React is a library, with generated HTML. In this case, React JS helps to reuse the components, which were previously used for user interaction design creation. For example, it is incredibly useful for web development services, as ReactJS helps to use UI components libraries. These libraries consist of already used, or already built parts and components of UI design. Why is it good? You save effort, money, and time while doing web development for new components creation, successfully using pre-built components instead. 

Migration Flexibility 

Versions updates are crucial for data migration and security. React JS has the easiest updates and upgrades processes, which are secure at the same time. Thus, it provides freedom and agility of actions in web development. It provides stability and flexibility of work at the same moment. 

Data flow

The data flow that provides React JS is more efficient due to the fact that it is done from top to bottom. Thus, the data flows downwards, so it is being transmitted through elements in a way, which is beneficial for finding bugs and preventing new ones. Again, it saves effort and time. 

Developers Community

UI is a key benefit for social media companies. That is why React JS has huge support and wide application among digital services companies. The key consumer of React JS is Facebook, which largely uses the UI/UX advantages of this framework. Thus, React.JS is enjoying its popularity, which results in generous developers’ community support. Due to the fact that React JS is in fact a library of ready-made UI components, the support is vital, as the community shares its components with each other. And this makes web development significantly easier. 

Extension Tools

React JS provides special extension tools for browsers. They serve to ease web development, making it clear, efficient, and simple. In addition, React has Testing Possibilities with one of the testing tools, called Jest. To provide improved testing possibilities, React offers Jest, which is designed to test large amounts of code to find abnormalities and fix them. It significantly increases the scope of testing. 

Like with everything in this world, and also in the world of web development, ReactJS has its disadvantages. 

It Is SEO Friendly

For many companies and businesses, search engine optimization is the core of promotion. Therefore, web pages and apps that are built on React, are easier and more readable for search engines due to its lightened navigation. 

Cons of ReactJS

Development Maturity

ReactJS is being constantly updated. As a result, many web developers prefer to work with smth more stable and mature. Something you know what to wait for tomorrow. 


The extensive pre-ready library of components is at the same moment a disadvantage of React, as the components are half ready, so it provides certain limitations for web developers in creating smth new. The issue lies in the MVC design creation part. In the case of model-view-controller, when it comes to React, it can create only the view part. For the other two: model and controller, web developers have to search for other tools and APIs, and integrate them into the development projects. It actually creates some unnecessary difficulties. Even so, they are manageable with a variety of tools in the web development services market.  


ReactJS is, as mentioned, in the pace of development. This pace is quite fast. That fast, that the documents are not being updated as fast as the framework itself. Moreover, some documentation is sometimes missing at all. 

JavaScript SyntaX

In web development, JSX syntax might be a bit tricky. Due to the fact that ReactJS is operating by using the JSX to create JavaScript objects with HTML. All this is required for smooth Virtual DOM running. However, JMX is a bit too complex for some web developers. That is why it is considered a bit of a burden for React.


Strangely enough but for some developers generating SEO traffic for the pages built on React is more complicated. It is all because the indexing process with  crawling bots is a bit more complicated than it could be as usual. However, this happens only if the web page is not indexed properly. So, knowing this issue exists, it can be easily managed by SEO specialists. 

To summarize 

The benefits and disadvantages are not exclusive. Some of them are linked with others, some of them are bigger and wider. React JS is simple, easy to navigate, easy to create with, provides better testing possibilities, and generates great results. Despite everything, all of the pros and cons construct altogether a strong framework development tool that has a bright future of usage.

Categories: Tech

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