mobile apps

React Native versus Swift

by Josh Biggs in Tech on 2nd July 2019

React Native and Swift are new technologies that provide the mobile app development for iOS and Android. The main difference between them is that React Native is a framework, while Swift is a new programming language. So what’s best to use for developers who deal with react native development services? In this article, you’ll discover more about React Native and React.js and what’s best for your mobile app creation.

What is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript framework, and you can build mobile applications for iOS and Android. Its large library allows developers to create native apps. Plus, it could be shared on the other platforms, and this feature makes React Native attractive for programmers. The main advantage of it is an opportunity to render webviews, using the combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But such an approach has its drawbacks as well: low performance and inability to create animations fast are among them. Since React Native can mimic the key UI elements, developers prefer to use it at work. So if you want to build a native app, it’s a great option for you because you shouldn’t learn new tools to create a new product.

What is Swift?

Swift is a programming language for iOS, macOS, and other computer frameworks. Writing code is easy with this computer language, as it’s syntax is precise and expressive. If you know Swift, your design will be interactive and with an intuitive website. So how Swift was created? Swift is a mix of programming languages developed by Apple company. Its parameters include clean syntax, and it means that your API’s will be easy in use. The other benefit of Swift is the ability to type in semi-colons, which makes fewer mistakes in coding. In general, Swift removes the unsafe code, and its variables are always initialized before their use. So this programming language has quite a fast and high performance that helps developers transfer a code easily.

Similarities between React Native and Swift.

The key similarity between Swift and React Native is the ability to create native apps. Additionally, the speed of coding is fast in both tools. Swift and React Native can create intuitive and responsive interfaces, which are stylish and effective in use for web visitors. The other similar trait between Swift and React Native is well-organized documentation. This fact could be explained that they were created by two technical giants in the IT industry: Apple and Facebook. Since Swift and React Native are new platforms, they a potential to make a nudge in technology.

Differences between React Native and Swift

Despite similar characteristics, React Native and Swift have more differences in their approaches to build an innovative mobile product. Do you want to know them? If you do so, we’ve prepared an overview of the key differences between React Native and Swift. First off, Swift, an Apple foundation, doesn’t have problems in implying UX principles into the iOS platform. So if you create a mobile app for Android, it’s better to use React Native instead. With its internal APIs, it’s more effective to implement native elements than with Swift. But Swift outperforms it in speed coding. It’s explained by the fact that it’s simple to copy-and-paste a code with React Native, while with Swift, you’ll begin completely from the start. Even though React Native implements JavaScript language, it cannot create an absolutely native mobile app. In contrast, Swift provides beautiful graphic elements and computational tasks on the platform. So it’s up to you to decide what’s better to use for creating a mobile app: React Native or Swift, but you should keep in mind these differences before kicking off a new project.

Categories: Tech

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