Selling Products Without Inventory: Getting Started and Reaching Your Customers
by Josh Biggs in Ecommerce on 7th March 2020You’ve got a business ideal. You’re starting up social media channels. You’re pretty sure you’ve come up with ways to boost your efficiency and workflow. And then it hits you: All the efficiency and excitement won’t make a difference if you don’t have any products or smart ways to amp up the customer experience. Small business sellers need to keep a few things, such as contact centers, in mind if they want to make their products truly pop.
Consider a Call Center Setup
Picture a call center. What comes to mind? Does your idea of a call center involve rows of cubicles filled with sales team members dialing phone numbers and making outbound calls? Sure, outbound calls still have their uses but you’re probably picturing one of the call centers of the past.
Nowadays, the premise of call centers is often less a physical entity and more like contact center or call center software that can integrate with your chosen customer relationship management (CRM) platform. They generally rely on the principles of live chat and computer telephony integration to work. Many small businesses are sorely lacking when it comes to customer service and the customer experience. This is where call center software can help.
By integrating call center software into your call center solution, you’re making it much easier for yourself as a vendor to manage your inbound calls and outbound calls while boosting your efficiency and helping your profit margins. How can call center software improve your profits, you ask? By saving you time.
The premise is this: The old business adage that time is money is still applicable. Especially if you’re a reseller running a small team, the advanced features and functions of call center software can route calls and smooth the relationship workflow between buyer and seller and give you more time to focus on your merchandise.
Not only can a call center solution integrate with your CRM, but it can also help direct phone calls, take caller information, assist with customer returns, leverage automation, and act as a support team for incoming calls. Some even include predictive dialing and Interactive Voice Response (IVR). CRM integrations often include Zendesk, Salesforce, and other workforce management options.
Some call center solutions even assist with digital queues, can act as a virtual customer help desk, and have dialer capabilities to help you reach out to leads. Digital queues are a great way to keep your phone system from getting overloaded. You can also view contact center analytics and metrics. Some analytics include popular call times and which sales calls or phone calls lead to conversions. Having phone system software or a call center program in place is an investment worth your time.
Finding Inventory
Now that you know how to handle buyer outreach, you need to have products that said buyer can purchase. A great place to start? Liquidators. Between warehouse sales, auctions, hauls purchased by the truckload, and liquidation websites, there are plenty of ways to find merchandise in new condition. Even popular companies like Walmart rely on liquidation to offload merchandise.
This is a win for you and a win for your buyer. You’re able to acquire general merchandise at a discount wholesale price and sell it for a profit. It’s a great model and businesses of all sizes rely on liquidation and auction pallets to succeed. Whether it’s for office supplies or pallets of accessories, there’s sure to be a way to translate liquidation into a better experience for your customers and a success for your business.
Purchasing pallets of general merchandise is a great way to acquire goods in bulk at an excellent price. Plus, there are even online liquidation sales for pallets so you simply need an internet connection or a PC to acquire general merchandise.
Between using a cloud contact center and selecting the right products for your business, you’ll be on your way to stocking your inventory and improving your customer quality management.