Top 10 Trends in Digital Marketing for successful business

by megan jones in Digital Marketing, Marketing on 20th November 2018

Digital Marketing is the heart and Soul of all the marketing strategies in the current phenomena. Evolving year by year now DM has become a major field of study in marketing. Here are the top 10 emerging trends in DM which boots the business.

Artificial Intelligence

Today, in this current market AI (Artificial Intelligence) has come a very long way in pace with Technological inventions. In short, AI refers to Intelligence showcased by the machines. It empowers the machines to Think about, Respond to situations and Perform tasks same as like humans.

AI also helps the machines learn to adapt to new information based on the experience. AI analyses deep and more data for relevant insights. Considering all these, the use and advent of AI have been increasing immensely in Digital Marketing.


Chatbots are the most broadly executed form of Artificial Intelligence Tools. Chatbots are much faster than humans in taking requests and giving data related results. The Integration of chatbots can be done with an Application, a website and also with a platform of social media.

Chatbots are also capable of gathering user information and later use it for better Tailor Marketing strategies.

Voice Search

If Digital Marketing is directly impacting the success rate of a company, then Voice Search trends will also have an inevitable effect on business. The best outcome and positive results of voice search will depend on how well a firm adapts its tactics to the emerging landscape. There is much difference in voice search and typical mobile or desktop search.
For Example, if a user needs to know about the nearest Laptop service center and types the same in Google, multiple results turn up. In that again one need to check the nearest by opening each search result. Whereas in case of voice search only one and accurate result comes which is more convenient for the user. Due to this, today many corporates are coming up with their own virtual assistants such as
Siri –   Apple Inc.
Cortana – Microsoft
Alexa –  Amazon
Google Now – Google

Social Media Trends

The other medium through which a firm can reach multiple customers/clients and also cover a wide range in the matter of age group is through social media. With the advent of networking Apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Snapchat etc., in day-to-day life, it paid way altogether to a new level of marketing.

It allows firms to send messages daily to the targeted customers and also allow another trend such as personalization. If we check the Analytics also 77% of smartphone users are familiar with social networking apps. In the other way, a business model can reach 77% directly with just one click.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a type of marketing strategy where the focus is mainly on Creating, Publishing and Distributing content for the targeted audience. Content Marketing is widely used to generate leads for a business by attracting attention. Every Digital market majorly depends on the Content to attract its customers which in turn helps in creating a brand value to their product in the market. In the near future, content marketing will turn out as the most reliable and trusted sources when compared to Adds.

5G Technology

One of the most awaiting up-gradation in today’s technology is the introduction of 5G Mobiles. As of now 4G mobiles and networks are used by millions of people. The similar shift (from 3G – 4G) which has occurred during the introduction of 4G will repeat for 5G and might be more also. Already companies like Intel, Qualcomm, Samsung, and others are in action in the implementation of 5G.

This will give the marketers, more information and understanding the way in which consumers preference towards How to live! So soon by 2020, 5G will be made accessible in both rural and urban areas. This will push more purchasing path into the Digital Realm and thus providing more opportunities in the domain of marketing strategies.


For a successful Digital Marketing campaign, Transparency and authenticity are more important. Authentic Content which is generated by the fellow customers catches one’s eyes easily. It mainly helps in overcoming the market saturation. It is often that marketers sometimes forget that they dealing with real people and fail to establish a long-term relationship. In such cases, if there is a high rate of authenticity what a firm is providing, it certainly creates a brand. so more authentic the information, more is the value for the product.

AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality)

AR and VR are rising continuously to a commonplace and today they have become as the marketing tool for Brands. To be involved and being an Active participant in Brand messaging are the two things basically a user wants nowadays. In the domain of customer experience, both augmented and virtual realities can fulfill these needs by offering brands with tremendous opportunities. In the initial stage, there is no doubt that VR has developed huge craze among the people. But later on, its usage has been fixed to certain domains such as Gaming and other specialized applications.

Whereas AR continues to excel in all fields and helps in the training of the enterprise workforce. Though these two fields need much more exploration, as of today and in the near future the depth of the operation they are providing is self-sufficient to explore more opportunities.

Scope for Personalisation

Each and every product in the market and in a sense each and every person wants his own identity. In such cases, the feasibility and the extent to which a firm provides its customer to personalize and making it as their own property is much more important. In fact, this has been one of the hidden secrets behind the success of many business units. For example, if a user logins into his personal Netflix or Instagram account, based on their interests new suggestions, Text, Artwork appears. This feature made these domains most used in the short time with high growth. This proves that the market which provides maximum personalization will have a high success rate than others.

Analytics and reporting

Through analytics and reporting one can always be aware of the progress and growth in the key developmental stages. Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics are almost static in case of functionality and reports. the major goal of this trend is using smooth measures to obtain customer feedback and satisfaction. Another thing is that always a person feels pride in using the most ranked product in the market. In such case, these analytics helps in providing the details and information about the current position in the market.


Digital Marketing trends have generated a lot of changes in the market usage behavior and still is continuing to rein in major fields of development and provide technology and entertainment to penetrate every corner. So the changes in trends are much needed and one has to be in a position to upgrade themselves to the latest trends.

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