10 Tips for Optimizing Workforce Management

by Josh Biggs in Tips on 16th April 2019

Employees are undoubtedly the biggest asset of any company. They put in their creative ideas and hard work to help your company reach its goal. Every day they work to make the end meet, satisfy your clients and customers. Tough right? Some times they even pull an all-nighter to finish the work on time.

So managing your workforce is crucial for any company. Thanks to advancing technology and people’s interest in optimising their workforce have given birth to many workforce management software, one of such amazing software available in the market is Synerion.

It allows you to centralize, regulate and automate your workforce. This software is tracking around 5 million employees around the globe.

Here are 10 tips to optimize your workforce

Good atmosphere

The fundamental for workforce management is to keep your employees happy. Most of the employers overlook this important factor. If your employee is not satisfied with the changes your planning his performance will automatically get affected and sometimes yet may even end up quitting, which is not good for the company as you may lose potential employees.

So maintaining a good atmosphere is important, as it may sometimes influence and inspire your employees to give their best. So whatever changes your planning to make, first discuss with your employees and get their views on it.


Communication plays an important role in understanding your employees. How would you understand their needs when you don’t talk to them? So always keep the lines of communication open. To ensure that they have everything they need, you have to talk to them. New communication technology which has been optimized for workforce management, especially where the workforce may be located in several places has helped many companies mitigate communication issues. Ensuring everyone within a team has the same information and updates helps projects run smoothly.

Provide your employees with all the training necessary to perform their jobs. Provide training for both new hires and current workforce. If some of your employees frequently have to deal with the media, consider hiring a media training firm which will prepare your team to handle any media pressure successfully

If you’re adding responsibilities to your existing employees make sure that you’re giving them a proper prep before letting them dive into it. Sometimes discuss with your employees and asking for their ideas may actually be helpful.

Use Software

Keep yourself updated with the latest technology, there are many software programs available in the market that are designed to make your workforce optimisation easy. Pick software that suits your business objectives.

You can perform so many actions with the tools or software like timekeeping, absence management, HR administration, applicant tracking etc. There are plenty of softwares that can even predict your companies future and offer you strategies and plans to achieve success.

SMART goals

Before assigning tasks are goals for your employees make sure they are attainable. What is the point of assigning a task you yourself know is not attainable? It just makes your employees lose interest and stops them from using their full potential.

So make sure that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. You know how quick the market changes, so keep your employees prepared for all sorts of situation and provide them with all kinds of training required to survive.

Managing the break timings

Not every employee of yours like taking a 1-hour lunch break, some like taking 15 min intervals in the day and some like having a whole hour in the afternoon. So why not discuss with your employees and arrange it accordingly. This way your workforce would work in office hours but with their chosen break timings. Cool right? This way they will try to work even more effectively and your plan of optimisation will also work fine.

Hire casual staff and interns

Having a backup is always better. So why not recruit some casual staff who would come by when the team is in some desperate need of help. You can even hire freelancers, who seek to work from the comfort of their house at flexible hours. Your team can take a breather and replenish their energy while you hire casual staff.

Hiring interns will work out well if you train them quickly. They come for a short span of time, so the faster you train them, the faster they can work on real-time projects. Hiring them is actually a cost-effective plan.


Gather as much data as possible, having data can up your plan. Research and learn more about your company, understand its weaknesses and then plan to make them your strengths. Encourage your employees who grow in certain departments, provide them with all the help you could.

Look at each department individually to figure its specialities. It’s not hard to optimise your workforce all you need is the right mindset, research and high-quality software.

Propose to board

Before proposing your optimisation plan to your board. Make sure to do proper research. Provide them with a report showing them Return on Investment they would receive by good scheduling, forecasting and other best practices you follow to optimise your workforce. Show them the money your company is losing on account of poor workforce management practices and how you can improve that with your plan.

Ask them

If you have that needs your employees to work both day and night ask them about their schedule preferences. You can assign them according. Not everybody will be interested in working 9-5, right? So why not make use of it.

Change their existing schedules and increase your workforce efficiency and get your work done. Ditch flexible hours and make a plan that would satisfy both you and your employees.

Noise and other issues

Noise can be very distracting when you’re actually trying to seriously concentrate on your work. So note if there are any noise issues arising in or around your office and then find a solution for it.

Not only about noise, ask your employees if they have any other issues bugging them so that you can help them. Held a one-on-one meeting with your employees and talk about their work growth, setbacks and other issues pertaining to work.

Categories: Tips

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