
4 Masterful Employee Engagement Ideas to Retain Staff and Drive Performance

by Josh Biggs in Tips on 10th October 2018

A recent new recruit in your creative team has been coming up with great ideas for the past two weeks. He’s always motivated and excited to present whatever he has prepared. As the weeks turn into months, you see his enthusiasm and energy going down. Eventually, his performance plummets to such a low level that he is no longer participating in any brainstorming sessions.

As a team manager, how often have you seen a situation like this play out?

For many companies, keeping their employees engaged has become a big struggle. If the employees are not passionate about what they are doing, then how do you expect the clients to be excited about the idea presented to them? Not only does this have a negative impact on the company but on employee retainment level as well. When employees feel no excitement about doing a project, they start making errors. This also leads to more absenteeism, high turnover, safety incidents and lack of productivity.

Does this all sound familiar? Don’t worry because every organization faces these problems. Today, many companies are hiring services of professionals such as power2motivate.com.au that offer incentive programs. These programs teach the company how to offer rewards to employees, based on their performance. So, are you ready to find out how to tackle this problem?

Following are four employee engagement ideas to retain staff and boost performance:

1.    Assign Company Values

What is the one thing that employees like the most? To be recognized by their team leader and CEO for the work they have done. Assigning one company value to an employee each month is a great way to acknowledge them in front of everyone. They will feel like a valued part of the company and will be motivated to perform better. Whether the award is for a job well done or for landing a bid deal, the public acknowledgement of their accomplishment will go a long way in building employees’ trust.

2.    Celebrate Achievements

Old employees often feel left out when new employees are rewarded more. This creates discontent in their heart and is another reason behind their failing performance. While acknowledging their work is all well and good, an even better way to award them is to give them a meaningful gift such as game tickets, trip to an exotic location, car, house, etc. This will not only motivate the old employees to keep working for the company’s missions but will also motive the new recruits to work harder.

3.    Empower Your Employees

Rotating the team leader within teams is a great way to give employees freedom and power. They all need the experience and it’s possible that you might discover a hidden gem.

4.    Give Feedback

What if an employee goes out of their way to get the job done? As the CEO, it is your job to provide the employee with personal feedback on the work they did. Even a simple email outlining how they came through for the company will bring a smile on the employee’s face.

When it comes to motivating your employees to boost their performance, it’s always the small things that matter. Don’t be the boss who is feared by employees. Socialise with your employees and show them that they are valued by the company.

Categories: Tips

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