Inspiration—many of us are full of it. It comes to us in the shower, while driving, in the middle of a film…basically any situation when we find ourselves incapable of properly recording our ideas. For the times that we do manage to get them down, bringing them to life is often one of the biggest barriers between conception and implementation.
The tech industry is very much aware of the difficulty of getting your ideas off the ground, and that awareness led to the creation of a platform like Ruby on Rails. Such a program can bridge this gap, and bring things to life faster. Read on for reasons why this framework should be on your radar this year.
What is Ruby on Rails?
A lot of novices approach digital spaces with a huge degree of fear and anxiety. This comes from the fact that attempts to create new ideas in this space are often derailed due to a lack of knowledge or experience. This is where Ruby on Rails comes in.
Ruby on Rails is a platform that democratizes the overly complex world of technical computer language. Released in 2004 by David Heinemeir, it began as a subsection of a previous project, 37Signals, known today as Basecamp. If the user friendly, one-stop-shop business platform of Basecamp is anything to go by, we can approach Ruby on Rails with the expectation that it will be an effective, and instructive, tool. Check out the different Basecamp pricing options to find the one that will work best for you.
Based on an ethos of simplicity and accessibility, Ruby on Rails has been a celebrated platform for years. Read on for why 2021 should be the year that you jump on board. (1)
- Cost-effectiveness
Too often, upgrading digital platforms is neglected due to the prohibitive costs of the process. It gives larger firms a major advantage over up and comers, and not for any particularly good reason.
Ruby on Rails levels the playing field, providing its services free of charge. Aside from being free, it’s also available across all operating systems, including the developer-favorite Linux.
Overall, Ruby on Rails can turn anyone into a developer through its simplicity and affordability. You’ll never have to outsource your quality control or scalability ever again.
- Making changes is easy
No longer is making changes or modifications prohibitively complex. Ruby on Rails does exactly what the name insinuates, it lets you build your apps, websites, or online platforms with guard rails in place. It’s like riding a bike with training wheels or bowling with bumpers, but discreet enough to avoid any stigmatization.
Imagine an Olympic cyclist who uses a motor. The motor works well, is hidden from the untrained eye, and is used forever, even by professionals. And we’re not advocating cheating here, because this customization is entirely within the rules. Ruby on Rails gives you and your company an advantage over the competition.
- Security
Security is one of the most important factors for any company with a digital presence. The risks are not confined to simply lazy passwords and forgetfulness when logging out. Even Apple are constantly grappling with their security, with their new M1 CPU chip having a flaw whereby pre-installed malware can communicate and potentially distribute sensitive information. (2)
Ruby on Rails has built-in security measures to counter developer, or even Apple’s, negligence. These are enabled by default, and they actively and endlessly work to identify new vulnerabilities. Its built-in recording mechanism means that it can document adverse encounters and continually improve.
- Getting things done
Productivity is a top priority when using any interface web building platform. What Ruby on Rails does is work with a concise and proven coding language. As it’s combined with third party libraries, it’s incredibly fast and reliable, eliminating skeletons in the closet endemic to competing platforms.
- Consistency and reliability
Ruby on Rails had been charging ahead for years, seldom looking back. So many years to develop and optimize have allowed Ruby on Rails to foster a strong set of standards, and an even stronger community to continue to uphold them.
This benefit of this is that the structural integrity of a project is easily maintained, saving you time while simultaneously providing peace of mind.
On top of this, it’s popularity as a coding language has led to its large and dynamic community of users who are active on many of the regular social channels. Many of the developers who use Ruby on Rails are personally invested in the quality of the product, and are readily on hand to provide assistance.
In conclusion
Ruby on Rails is a reliable and reputable platform with a longstanding history of facilitating the digital endeavors of many businesses and individuals. Reasons for this include the fact that it’s open-source, simple, secure, and reliable. These qualities give you the ability to build and develop digital infrastructure without the painstaking difficulty that was traditionally required.
- “Developers take REST with Rails,” Source: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2007/dec/13/opensource.software
- “Apple’s M1 Chip Has a Fascinating Flaw,” Source: https://www.wired.com/story/apples-m1-chip-has-fascinating-flaw/