
5 Tips for Application Security in DevOps

by Josh Biggs in Software, Tech on 18th October 2022

Nowadays, every company, every mom-and-pop, and every small boutique shop has an application. Go buy a sandwich and the shop is liable to have an App, loaded onto your preferred digital store, ready for download. An app that is full of great features. Maybe a club card – 6th sandwich is free. Or maybe a discount code. Or maybe the ability to order online and then pick up your tuna melt without needing to stand in line. Everyone has an app. 

Why? Because app development has never been cheaper than right now. And because customers have gotten accustomed to them, to the point that they put a lot of value on brands that take the time to create apps. They demand them. This also means that small startups, as well as high-tech giants, are constantly exposing themselves to various app-related risks. The more digital contact points you have with a customer, the more likely you’re going to get infected with something nasty. This is why Application security in DevOps is a top priority — for all businesses, regardless of their size. 

Application security in DevOps — a top priority

Application security is a top priority for DevOps because it is the foundation of the software development lifecycle. It should be a top priority for everyone because it ensures that all new and existing applications are free from vulnerabilities. 

Application security is important for every industry in the digital age. It’s not just about protecting data anymore, but also protecting the reputation of the company and its employees.

When Steve Jobs announced in 2010, “there will be an app for that too,” he wasn’t kidding. Today every business has an app. It’s not just about the benefits, and the new channels said software opens up but about marketing — brand recognition. Studies have shown that the mere fact that an app or its icon is on display on a person’s home screen is critical for a company. People are more likely to make a purchase, as well as develop a more intimate relationship with that company. 

Application security in DevOps is paramount nowadays due to the widespread appeal of these types of software. 

How is application security configured through DevOps? 

Application security is one of the most important aspects of any software development process. It is not only about securing individual applications but also about securing the entire system.

In this section, we will look at how DevOps can help with configuring application security and how it can be implemented in different scenarios. Give you 5 great tips that can help you manage your risks in this fast-paced world. 

Assess risk in the process as early as possible

Most coders and development teams work under the premise that there is a testing phase — under the idea that sooner or later there errors will be picked up in this critical stage. The problem is that by the time that stage does rear its head and makes itself known, that error – or security issue – has been deeply embedded into the product. In most cases, it costs the developer up to 10x more to solve it, or patch it, than it would have had they caught the issue sooner. 

In creating a DevOps application security strategy, teams are pushed to work side-by-side with each other — during an app’s whole lifecycle. Each step is carefully supervised by everyone, with reviews and checks in place. Errors are caught as early as possible, ideally during the design step when none of the heavy lifting has commenced. 

Provide developers with the right & simple-to-implement tools

Tools should stick to the KISS acronym — Keep It Simple and Stupid. Developers will need to have all those nifty little digital toys available from day one. Not only that, most of those gadgets need to be configured in such a way that they can work without the need for human interaction, and that they can pin-point problems, create SBOMs, and flag issues, autonomously and automatically. 

This will allow developers to remain flexible and promote a faster process — one with continuous testing and heightened transparency.  

Automate the approach to DevOps application security whenever possible

95% of all errors in the app development process is due to humans gumming up the work. It’s as simple as that. Your biggest liability issue is the human element. We can write volumes on why that is, but mostly it all comes down to one simple fact — application security is boring. It curbs the coder’s creative process. 

The best tip we can give you is to configure all your tools in such a way that they no longer need a human operator. Automate as much as possible. Automation alleviates many of the challenges and concerns of security issues. 

Let security teams do all the tasks they can be helpful in

Give your security team a Carte Blanche — there’s a reason why you employ them, and why you invested in them. If you picked a good security team then the best you can do is back them up and get out of their way. Let them implement the policies they think you need. Let them manage your security infrastructure. Trust in their assessments.

Have a plan to secure critical data

Months, that is how much it might take you to patch up a breach — if not years. Statistically, regardless of how much you spend on DevOps application security, you will be hit by an attack. Sony, Apple, Google, Walmart, and Microsoft, all of them are constantly getting pummeled, and they spend billions yearly on cybersecurity. 

The best tip we can give you is to protect all your assets, your code libraries, and your data, and have a contingency plan in place. Test your backups constantly and make sure that if the worst does occur you can get back on your feet in a flash. 

What does DevOps application security ensure? 

DevOps application security is a set of practices and tools that help to ensure the security of applications that are being developed. The goal of this methodology is to make sure that developers are aware of the risks and vulnerabilities in their code, implement secure coding practices, and follow a secure development lifecycle.

They can help: 

-Reduced Risk From Internal And Third-Party Sources.

-Protection of Sensitive Data From Leaks.

-Keeping Your Customer Data Secure.

-Improved Trust And Public Opinion.

-Avoid Negative PR and Resource-Intensive Lawsuits for Your Business.

Categories: Software Tech

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