One way to grow your company is by hiring more people. Hiring isn’t only limited to increasing your number of employees, but it’s about hiring the right people for the proper positions. The recruitment process done by the human resource department is often considered the most crucial strategic planning your company needs. Unfortunately, most companies often overlooked this part and tended not to take their recruitment and selection process seriously.
Thus, some of these companies end up hiring the wrong set of employees. Perhaps they’re hiring the right people but assigned them to the wrong field, which hinders their potential to be a good asset in the company. The truth is, your company’s biggest asset is your employees. Without the right employees, your business won’t function and operate efficiently.
A stagnant and generalized recruitment process can potentially barricade your company’s growth and progress. In a post about How to Add Resume to LinkedIn the platform itself is one of the popular ways to connect job seekers to recruiters. By using LinkedIn, you can get more candidates from there, Hiring an employee who turns out to be the wrong candidate can negatively affect your company’s operation and productivity, not to mention that it’s a waste of time and resources to recruit again for the replacements.
To avoid such a situation, you need to think of ways to improve your company’s recruitment process. Read on below for five ways to help optimize your hiring process and boost your company’s growth.
- Utilize Available Recruiting Resources
Perhaps your company has been used to the traditional way of hiring employees, which is through manual posting of job vacancies on social media or online job listings. Then, as you receive numerous application emails, you hand-pick a few names you think their resume fits the job position. Unfortunately, this process can take a lot longer, especially if you’re receiving hundreds of applicant’s emails in a day.
Instead of manually recruiting employees and going through hundreds of emails and folders each day, it’s best if you make use of available modern recruiting resources such as an Application Tracking System or ATS platform. This way, you can quickly screen candidates, schedule their interviews, and monitor all applicants in one dashboard without going through individual emails. It’ll also make it easier for the applicants to respond to your job application. You can quickly check an overview of all the applicants applying for the job and filter out those who don’t fit the role’s description.
- Shorten Your Recruiting Process
Did you know that the best candidates are only available in the market in 10 days? With this, you must make your recruitment process as quick and efficient as possible. Companies that spend three to four months processing a new hire end up hiring the wrong candidate. That’s because better candidates won’t be around to wait for three months to wait for your decision.
To simplify your recruitment process, use modern recruitment tools as your leverage, such as an ATS platform wherein you can quickly screen resumes and disqualify any unqualified resumes. Thus, applicants must create an ATS friendly resume to make sure the Application Tracking System (ATS) can parse your resume and rank you as a viable candidate. A faster recruitment process will help you save time and money while increasing your chances of hiring better candidates.
- Enhance Your Interview
It’s too often that some interviewers focus more on creating generalized interview questions as they thought that it’s the questions that’ll help them understand a candidate. Unfortunately, using generic questions isn’t the key to seeing if a candidate is best for the role. This is why it’s important for an employee who has a great understanding of the business to take the interview, for those who don’t feel confident about training and hiring new employees, you can get in touch with a company like Moore Essentials which works with companies to make their employment side of the business stronger.
Instead, interviewers should focus more on the interview as a whole, not on preparing odd questions. Ask questions that will allow you to explore a candidate’s skills, experience and personality. Avoid questions such as, “What would you do if you’re to be a millionaire tomorrow?”, as this is irrelevant to the job position. Questions related to your industry and the candidate’s skillsets will be more effective than the common awkward questions.
- Involve More Relevant People in The Hiring Process
Instead of relying on one HR officer to do the recruitment process, involve more qualified employees to join the hiring process or use company. You can include the department head or team leader, the company manager, and one team member who’ll work closely with you in the future. Each employee will have a chance to interview and get to know a candidate and his skillsets. Together you can decide which ones fitted well with the role.
- Test Your Candidates
Unfortunately, some candidates tend to exaggerate on their resumes and lie on their skillsets or experience. That’s why recruiters must take time to contact references and reach out to their previous employers so they’ll have a more solid base on whether the candidate is telling the truth.
For candidates to prove if their skillsets are reliable and authentic, it’s best to test your candidates. There are numerous testing methods available to help make this process easier and with more reliable results. You can give them aptitude tests, job presentations, simulation tasks, psychometric testing, and more.
Wrapping Up
Improving your company’s recruitment is an ongoing process. To optimize your recruitment process, embrace technology and keep these tips in mind to ensure your hiring process is more efficient, productive, and will improve your return of investment from all your recruitment efforts.