A Guide to Find the Right Telecom Audit Solutions For Your Business
by Josh Biggs in Tips on 23rd January 2021Telecom bills are one of the highest expenses for any organization. Phone systems, the internet, data networks are an integral part of communication. And, companies spend a sizable amount on these services. The reason seems to be valid too. The larger your company, the higher your costs are.
However, most telecom bills have errors, and not many realize while we pay for them. These errors multiply in the case of large organizations leading to high telecom expenses. Overworked IT employees who can’t go through every detail will end up paying the bill as it is.
What Is The Need Of Telecom Audit Solutions For Your Business?
Managing the telecom expenses is essential to reduce the overall expense of your business. Telecom Audit Solutions involve understanding the carrier contract, checking the price structure, matching the costs with the billing, and even recovering the overcharge.
The right telecom audit solution can help you achieve your target cost with minimal disruption. Once you have chosen the right one for you, soon the reduction in costs and increased efficiency will be visible to you.
A small change in pricing and billing can have a significant impact on the overall cost. Telecom auditing solutions simplify the complexities of these expenses. It ensures that your business is paying only for what it needs at the best prices. Here are some options you can consider when choosing an auditing solution.
DIY Style Management
Cost is a deciding factor in making any business decision. As a business, you would want a service in the least possible price range. Choosing to manage your telecom expenses internally can be a great cost-saving option.
However, you must also realize that auditing is a lot of work. It might seem easy to do on your own, but you may find it too overwhelming with your business responsibilities once you start it.
You can give this task to an employee or team of employees, but they will take some time to gain expertise in this area. Paying your employees for this can be an expensive deal in the long run.
Manual Auditing
Manual auditing is another option for telecom expense management. It will require an auditor or team of auditors to go through the telecom bills and contracts to find errors and suggest ways to reduce cost. An audit typically takes place annually with a monthly review.
Manual audit is meticulous and mostly takes place offsite. It will not affect your business operations and make a record of all circuits, lines, wireless devices, and networks, review it along with the telecom bill.
A manual audit can identify billing mistakes, analyze the services you are paying for, and credits or refunds due from the carrier. The auditor can also suggest continuing or ending the contract with the current service provider. It will help you develop strategies for cost-effective telecom services.
Telecom Management Software
Many businesses opt for the telecom management software as it is a cost-saving option. The software helps to process and systematically organize the telecom billing data. It can be a valuable tool for your businesses as there is a lot of data to be managed related to contracts, vendors, services added and discontinued, etc.
With organized and easy to comprehend data, you can identify the areas you have spent and saved the most. You can quickly identify any fraudulent charges and correct the billing errors. It’s a beneficial option for small as well as large companies. The only downside is you need someone qualified to feed the data correctly and manage it.
Whether you seek a manual audit, purchase software, or appoint someone in-house to manage your telecom expenses, the primary thing is to understand your business needs. Analyze the current monthly telecom expenditure of your business. Do you have someone to manage the software or oversee the telecom expense? Is spending on training more feasible than hiring a professional?
You can use all the options above in combination too. Understanding all the options, your budget, and your business requirement will help you find the right telecom audit solutions.