All You Should Know About Customer Experience & Whatsapp Business API

by Josh Biggs in Mobile on 19th November 2019

Businesses have been using the age-old methods of bulk SMS and emails over the years for small business marketing. With the emergence of WhatsApp API, business people are fledged with the advantage of one to one communication directly with their customers. WhatsApp API has provided businesses with just another medium for communication crossing the boundaries of the traditional modes of communication. 

So here are a few things that you necessarily need to know about WhatsApp API:

Displays WhatsApp Business profile

Apart from the supporting video, images, graphics, and audio, the new WhatsApp API is empowering the owners to create accounts with business profiles. This business profile will show up their address. Contact number, weblinks, and their details. This will let the customers find all the ways to get connected to them and to know more about their business.

Two-way interaction

In yesteryear retail marketing promotional methods, SMS and emails were the primary sources of digital promotion. In this case, hardly the clients used to reply and were no less than one-way communication. But with the outburst of Business WhatsApp API, two-way communication has been triggered. It offers the customers a suitable and comfortable environment to get their queries cleared by the owners.

Permission for communication

To communicate with a potential client, the person who is using the WhatsApp Business account will first have to seek approval from the customers. The permission can be in the form of a link that needs to be clicked to grant consent or even an SMS which allows the same. Once the customers approve it, only then the communication can be triggered between the two parties.

Helps in overcoming your pitfalls

Customer engagement and relationship boosts customer satisfaction. Making use of WhatsApp for receiving customer experience, reviews, feedback, etc. can be a way to understand your shortcomings and to further carve out ways to eliminate the flaws turning out better every day.

Customer support and communication

WhatsApp Business API has enabled the customers to get their queries sorted out directly with the company. Whether it is about the purchase, feedback, information or any other individual concern, WhatsApp has made things easier and a lot more convenient for the users.


Business WhatsApp API is emerging out as a source of multichannel marketing and can pass on messages about any recent launches, offers or any updates directly to numerous customers by means of one to one channel. These messages show up on the screen of the clients as notifications, and thus, the user gets to have alerted every time any information has to be conveyed to the potential clients.

Bottom Line

Traditional channels of communication such as textlocal, emails, SMS have been an old story by now. Today is the era of change, and Business WhatsApp API has brought this change in the market by paving a way for businesses to get connected with their clients directly. 

WhatsApp has emerged out as an App that engages a user all day and thus reaching them on a platform that they love to spend their time is undoubtedly a smart way of promoting your business. SMS, Emails can go neglected and unread, but there are hardly any chances that WhatsApp messages will follow the same track. They are more likely to be seen and read and may also trigger interaction.


Categories: Mobile

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