
Charitable Causes On Crowdfunding Platforms: What You Need To Know

by Josh Biggs in Tips on 4th October 2021

Today very few people can start a business, release a record, publish a book or donate to a charity without any financial backing unless you have a wealthy background or supportive friends and relatives.

Even after taking help from them, you might fall short on the financial end. Thankfully, we have a different approach that will solve both problems. This article will learn about Crowdfunding and how it can be a powerful tool for businesses.

Before starting with our reason, let us tell you that donating to charity helps businesses reduce taxes. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, try donating to the good cause of helping Children Society; visit

What Is Crowdfunding?

Even if you are not aware of crowdfunding, you can get an idea by reading its name. Crowdfunding is named after combining two names: Crowd + Funding. It is a concept of crowdsourcing and microfinancing. It involves the process of taking a small amount of money from larger groups of individuals.

The people who take part in these projects and activities may do so without the hope of expecting something out of their donations. Instead, they simply donate to support a cause. 

How To Use Crowdfunding Platforms For Your Charitable Cause?

The concept of Donate Now has been in the market for more than two decades. That means, even when the internet was not available for everyone, it has been in existence. Today, with internet access, the fundraising process for charitable causes has become much easier.

You can further boost the effectiveness of fundraising by implementing these best practices.

1. Promote Your Monthly Giving Program

Nonprofit organizations must keep promoting their fundraising program every month. You can start this by creating a webpage on your website that showcases every piece of information about the monthly giving program. While creating a webpage, ensure that the webpage has an easy URL that can easily promote print newsletters and postcard campaigns.

2. Launch A Tribute Giving Program

If you are using a crowdfunding platform to raise funds for your project, you can launch tribute-giving programs to thank people who have shown their support. This will encourage others to do the same. According to Global Trends in Giving Reports, 33% of the donors worldwide give tribute gifts. To enhance your tribute gift, integrate it with the monthly giving program.

3. Share Your Cause On Social Media

To date, Facebook was able to raise more than $3 billion via Facebook Charitable tool. According to 2020 Global Trends in Giving Reports, more than 80% of the donors said they would do that again if needed. This shows that social media holds the potential to become one of the best tools to raise funds. 

4. Try Experimenting With Peer-To-Peer Fundraising

Crowdfunding is when a nonprofit organization creates an online fundraising campaign to raise funds for specific projects. The campaign is promoted among the supporters and aims to reach a fundraiser goal.

The primary concept of the methods is to bring a group of people together and make their small donations into something meaningful. Furthermore, you can ask your supporters to share the campaign on their social media platforms to get the best results.

5. Host Virtual Fundraising Events

Fundraising events are all about meeting people and convincing them to help you with charity causes. However, after the pandemic, people are restricted from gathering. This is where you can take help from technology to host virtual fundraising events.

Your nonprofit organization can even use the Facebook live feature to start a live video and ask others to join in with the events.

Final Word

If you are wondering how a nonprofit organization can ask for donations, you must start by following some case studies about some big nonprofit organizations and how they have initiated their fundraising campaigns. Big nonprofit organizations have staff and talented individuals to make the fundraising event a success. 

To begin with, your research work, select the top five nonprofit organizations that are similar to your cause and track their every move. Subscribe to their website, follow them on social media, and see what posts they regularly share.

Categories: Tips

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