Circadian Lighting in the Workplace: Implementation & Benefits
by Josh Biggs in Tips on 23rd November 2019Circadian lighting fixtures are fixtures with lights made to mimic the pattern of the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is our body’s natural capacity to regulate alertness and sleep.
This is why most people are able to fall asleep and wake up relatively around the same time each day. As we move into a technologically driven world abounding with lights and screens, our body’s natural circadian rhythm begins to alter.
These lights attempt to counteract the negative effects of manufactured light. They operate in accordance with the sun. This means that during the point in the day when the sun is highest in the sky, the circadian lights would also be at their brightest.
These lights mimic daytime and nighttime by emitting blue lights during the day and regulating them at night. As the sun begins to go down, the circadian blue lights are fended off by the circadian lights.
The prevalence of harsh lighting at night can lead to sleep disturbances and anxiety as the brain fails to signal to the body that it is time to sleep once the sun has gone down.
Why is it important?
Circadian lighting works to alleviate this problem by helping remind your brain that it is time to fall asleep as the lights dim.
What’s more, this type of lighting is most effective at regulating one’s natural circadian rhythm when used consistently. The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour cycle. One’s sleep cycle is affected by the lighting they experience throughout the day.
Just as you’ll want dim lighting at night in order to sleep, the proper lighting during the day can signal that it is time to be awake and get to work. In fact, studies show that the blue light emitted by circadian lights can help to increase productivity and feelings of alertness in the workplace.
In an office setting, circadian lighting helps to keep employees alert. Studies show that those exposed to circadian lighting proved to be up to four times as productive as those working under regular lighting. These findings help to demonstrate that circadian lighting is critically important for various facilities, and not just office buildings.
Few workers are under more stress or more chaotic scheduling than hospital workers. Keeping them awake after they’ve pulled an all-nighter (followed by another full day), is imperative. The blue lights from the circadian lights also help to provide a sense of alertness in an environment with inorganic light.
How does it help?
Circadian lights utilize blue light regulation technology. Blue lights are present in devices such as cell phones and tablets, and when people are using them at night they are kept awake at night needlessly.
Circadian lights utilize this technology for good by amplifying and controlling them during the day. These signals alert the brain that it is time to be productive. This is especially useful in a day and age in which blue lights are being emitted by devices constantly. These circadian lights remind the brain when it’s time to relax.
Because our brains can be so easily confused by conflicting blue lights in this modern day, circadian lighting can help lead to calm the body at the end of the day. They don’t simply emit blue light, they regulate it.
This regulation can lead to increased memory function as well as balance mood. This is because these lights correlate directly with sleep quality, which in turn boosts memory function and other mental processes.
Those considering lighting solutions for their home would do well to consider implementing circadian lighting in order to regulate sleep.