
Here are the top SEO factors you need to rank top on Google

by Josh Biggs in Digital Marketing on 31st October 2018

It is the dream of every business owner to be the renowned service provider in a particular sector. However, given the high number of websites clouding the internet and competing for the same market share, it is not an easy task to accomplish. One would need more than quality services and products and low prices to beat the competition.

If you have thought about SEO, then you are on the right track. SEO can skyrocket your traffic flow and significantly boost your visibility as a brand if correctly done. To achieve these goals, you will need to rank on top of Google, and in that case, here are the top SEO factors you will need:

Clear and accessible URLs

Surely you must know that Google considers any piece of information relevant to your web pages to crawl and index your site. If your URLs are vague, then Google will have a hard time figuring out what your web pages contain, and that is how you may end up being wrongly indexed.

A clear URL is that which points toward what the page entails, capitalizing on the primary keyword. A great example is Ideally, you want to keep your URL as short as possible, but clear on what your intent is with the copy contained in the web page.

Avoid using capital letters, special characters, and numbers in your URL simply because they are bad for SEO, and do nothing for your ranking. An example of a bad URL is

A well-structured sitemap

Other than an accessible URL, a sitemap will help Googlebots to crawl your website better. It provides a clear outline of what and where your web pages are, with highlights of which information you would want Google to index you for.

You will need a robot.txt file to help you filter out the information you want to be indexed, by telling Google where it can and cannot crawl your site for information. Employ a sitemap generator to help with creating the perfect XML sitemap for your website.

Mobile first indexing

If you want to be in the good graces of Google, then prioritize the mobile audience before the desktop one. Since the notable growth of the mobile audience, Google included mobile friendliness as a ranking factor.

Ideally, any optimization effort should be to care for the mobile site first, and that includes a customized theme for the mobile site, clear and readable fonts, navigability, responsiveness, speed, convenience, among others. Cutting down on intrusive interstitial ads further help boost the user experience of the mobile user. The happier these users are, the higher you rank on Google.

Improved page speed

Google already came out and announced page speed as a crucial ranking factor, and if you are not aware of this, then you may have attracted quite the penalty for it. People today are hungry for instantaneous information, and that means a maximum of 3 seconds load time.

The speed of your web pages is especially necessary for the mobile site because the mobile audience is a lot needier for speed than the desktop audience. You can use the Google PageSpeed Insights to help you track web pages that take a long time to load. The SEO tool will also help you identify issues that might slow down your site, for example, page redirects, overly large media and files, page errors, among others.

Keyword intent

Other than the basic technique of keyword research, if you yearn to rank top on Google, you must understand and capture keyword intent. Google’s RankBrain is advancing each day, in a bid to improve the users’ experience with the search results.

Whichever keywords you rank for, it is not enough that your target audience finds you, but that they click and visit your website. Even if your site was to be first on Google, if people are not clicking on it, the position with be short-lived. Understanding keyword intent lets you get into the mind of your audience to know what it is they are after. From there, the content you generate will be highly relevant to what people want to read, but more importantly, what they need.

Matchless content

So many content creators have fantastic information to share, and you need to find a way to beat that. Google crawls millions of websites each day to find content that will be ranked for specific keywords in different categories.

If your content can be found on other platforms and better written than what you have to offer, what makes you think people will come to your website? Remember, you are competing with prominent brands, some with very high domain authorities. Your best shot is to beat them with excellent content, in perspectives of quality, originality, entertainment, engagement, length, up-to-dateness and relevance. Make sure you pick out topics you are well versed in, so you can exhibit your expertise in the industry.

There are very few spots on the first page of Google, and to be first, you have to do things differently. Find out how you can further track your ranking by visiting

Categories: Digital Marketing

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