online stamps

How Much Money You Can Save by Buying Stamps Online

by Josh Biggs in Finance on 10th June 2019

Stamps can be totally practical, if we need to have an item sent from location A to location B, we use a stamp. We can send letters and parcels and pay the appropriate postage charge. Stamps can also be collected and there are avid collectors who are looking for rare stamps, stamps to complete their collection or the collector who may be looking for the next set of limited edition stamps due to be released.

Whatever your motivation for buying stamps, your needs can be satisfied online, where there are potential savings to be made.

Postage Solutions

Long gone are the days when you had to go to your local  postal outlet with your parcels or letters in hand, wait in a queue to be served, spend time discussing your requirements, make payment and then post your mail, remembering to keep hold of any pieces of paper with important tracking or insurance information. It was fine if you regularly just had a few letters to post because you could buy your stamps in advance and store them but if you had an unusually large or heavy letter or a parcel, you would have to wait in line to be served and sometimes the queue was long. If you were a business, it meant that you had to send one or even two of your staff to the postal outlet at a chosen time of the day, usually the end of the day. They could be gone for an hour or more resulting in you paying them their salary for standing in line at the postal outlet, hardly a very productive use of staff time. Worse still, if your business was not close to an outlet, you could incur parking charges and spend more time in lines of traffic. Large organisations could have staff centred around a dedicated post room.


There is now a quick and easy solution for postal requirements as you are able to purchase your postage stamps online. It is a simple case of packaging your item carefully, as you would normally, weighing it, and then entering the details online. You will be asked for destination details, the weight of your parcel and you will also be asked to choose the type of postage that you would require. You would be able to choose  to have your parcel delivered quickly if you require that feature or if you do not require a speedy delivery, you can opt for a regular delivery of your item, there is always a choice. Expensive items can be transported by opting for an insurance which covers you for losses or damage in the post.


Once you have entered your requirements, your stamps can be printed. You do not require to have any form of specialist equipment as your stamps can be printed using your regular printer. Stamps come with a choice of designs, some very interesting and very colourful, or if you prefer, you are able to design your own stamps, taking advantage of the potential for some free advertising as your package makes its way through the post. It can also be an interesting feature for your customers and is a helpful way to remind them of who you are. You are able to print off multiple stamps as they can be used at a later stage which is helpful for businesses who regularly send similar items.


You are able to make savings and depending on your needs and usage, you can negotiate posting discounts. You can even opt to bulk buy some stamps ahead of price hikes, they can be used at a late stage even after a price hike. You are also able to save money on staffing costs, you do not have to have a member of staff leave the office, so no down time. Stamps like OnlineStamp shows you how and good thing it can be printed very quickly. The processing of mail becomes very efficient. Larger companies used to have a designated post room staffed by a member of staff. All of which adds up to substantial savings over time.



If you are a stamp collector, young or old, you will want as much access as possible to a choice of the stamps available. Online shopping for such stamps opens up a world of possibilities as you can browse easily from the comfort of your home. Stamp shops used to be and still are dotted around several locations, making travelling time consuming and as you could reasonably only visit a few establishments, it meant that choice was much more limited and prices could be kept high as comparison could be problematic. Stamps come in a variety of colours and designs and each different stamp is very unique, some are beautifully designed. The online space makes it possible to search more widely for your requirement and best of all, it allows you to negotiate prices with multiple suppliers, comparison is possible and easily achieved. Reputable online dealers will be more than willing to discuss your requirements with you. If you require more information about the condition, say, of the stamp, the dealer should be able to provide you with that. Photographs now are so clear, so it should not be an issue for you to be able to clearly see what you are buying. Avid collectors are looking for the unusual and the online facility provides worldwide browsing. Research on stamp collecting can produce some fabulous results. Did you know, for example, that certain markings or imperfections on stamps can add significant value to the stamp. Having a good look around can allow you to find the best possible deal for your desired stamp.

There are also online auctions that you can take advantage of that will allow you to bid for a stamp and depending on who else is bidding at the time and the holding price from the dealer, you can make some substantial savings when you compare it with the retail price.

You may also manage to come across some private sellers who may be selling their entire collection. If you then keep what you want for yourself and then sell the remainder, you can often save quite substantially by doing that.

Competition from multiple retailers will always provide a wide choice and keep prices down.

Categories: Finance

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