customer loyalty

How to Show Customers That You Truly Appreciate Them

by Josh Biggs in Tips on 29th December 2019

Showing customers that you appreciate them is a great way to make sure you are building repeat business and brand loyalty. A happy customer is more likely to spread the word about your business to friends and families. Apply the following strategies to help your customers feel appreciated when they purchase a product or service from you.

Send Personalized Cards and Letters 

Sending a handwritten customer appreciation letter is a great way to show your customers that their business matters to you. This small, unexpected expression of thoughtfulness can go a long way toward pleasing your customers. Handwritten notes can be included in package deliveries or you can place them in shopping bags at the checkout registers, for example. Keep a stack of personalized notes close so they are ready to use when appropriate.

Stay Connected 

Staying connected with your customers can also show them that you appreciate their business. Try starting a social media account on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Post updates about your company or information about new products. You can also engage with customers on social media by responding to comments they leave on your channels or sending messages to regular customers. Responding to customers or posting updates on social media helps to show your customers that you are thinking about them even when your business is closed.

Send Coupons or Special Deals 

Show your customers that you appreciate them by sending them coupons or special deals. First build a library of names, emails, or physical mailing addresses. If you prefer using USPS mail, then use the addresses that you have collected from customers to send them coupons. Be sure to give plenty of advance notice in case regular mail delivery takes slightly longer than expected.

Alternatively, if you start collecting email addresses, you can set up an email marketing campaign to reach these customers. Email marketing is a cost-effective method that can enable your customers to receive messages and interact with you at the right time. Emails also allow you to send customer appreciation deals or coupons. Sending last-minute sales details not only shows customers that you value their business, but it can also be used as a great way to increase sales during certain periods of decreased business activity.

Host Customer Appreciation Days 

Having dedicated days for customers can also help showcase your appreciation. Many companies will offer snacks and drinks for customers on these days, as well as special sales. While you can tap into various event ideas , hosting a workshop remains a popular option. With this approach, customers will be educated about your business and you give them the opportunity to use your products and services.

Some of these strategies may cost you some money in the short term, but the costs will easily outweigh what you will gain in customer loyalty in the long term. When it comes to customer appreciation, sincerity is key. Real appreciation comes from caring about your customers and their business with you and acknowledging your customer relationships with them.

Categories: Tips

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