What companies are accepting Cryptocurrency in 2021?

by Josh Biggs in Finance on 8th March 2021

As Cryptocurrency continues to take the world by storm, companies have begun to incorporate new currency into their day-to-day transactions. The result is that Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies are now recognized as a standard form of payment on many online sites. In fact, it is now estimated that over 15,000 businesses accept bitcoin or offer bitcoin ATMs around the world. To start putting your coins to use, here is a list of some of the most well-known companies (and platforms) that allow consumers to execute cryptocurrency transactions.


Paypal announced that for users in the United States, the ability to buy and sell crypto is now available directly through PayPal using their Cash or Cash Plus account. This offering was also announced to be extended on Venmo. More recently, users can now use cryptocurrencies to buy products and services at any business that accepts Paypal. Paypal will take popular cryptocurrencies when rolled out, convert them directly to fiat money and pay the merchant.


For those who are looking to top up their Microsoft account, bitcoin might just be an option. Although the company at one point had halted the acceptance of Cryptocurrency, they now accept bitcoin as a payment option for apps and games for Xbox or Windows offerings. Although this was not announced publicly, details are available on the website’s payment conditions.


For those interested in purchasing a Rolex, the luxury-watch retailer JavyEstrella has now allowed purchases to be made with bitcoin. This Los-Angeles based company offers 100% authentic pre-owned watches with a Lifetime Authenticity Guarantee. Orders paid with bitcoin are fulfilled through Stripe and Bitfinex or Coinbase, depending on the customer’s location. The wholesale side of their business accepts other cryptocurrencies, including Ripple (XRP), Monero (XMR), Dash, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. Cryptocurrencies are useful for making large payments due to the low fee structure, anonymity, and global acceptance, making luxury goods transactions significantly more effortless than ever before. 

Bic Camera

In Japan, bitcoin can now be accepted at one of the country’s largest electronics retailers. The company initially began by offering bitcoin in a few locations and has since added on several other sites due to an additional demand. Payments are executed through the exchange bitFlyer, which converts bitcoin into yen to complete the transaction. 

KFC Canada

Bitcoin (or at least a fraction of it) can also be used to purchase fast food. As a part of a marketing stunt, KFC Canada announced back in 2018 that bitcoin can be used to buy the bitcoin bucket. Payment would be processed through BitPay, and the specialty bucket being delivered right to your doorstep shortly afterward. 


Technically you can’t purchase directly from Amazon with bitcoin. However, many users have connected with sellers on Amazon using a website called Purse. Purse.io has the mission to make Cryptocurrency useful and allows earners to exchange Amazon gift cards for Bitcoin.


CheapAir is an online travel agency based in the United States. Established in 1989, the company has since developed a system to offer data and analytics to help travelers get the most affordable airfare. To keep up with trends in Cryptocurrency, CheapAir.com began accepting Bitcoin through Coinbase and later added on the options for payment in Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash through the payment processor, BTCPayServer. 

The CEO of CheapAir, Jeff Klee, shares,

“At CheapAir.com, we’re big fans of Bitcoin, and we believe people deserve the freedom to use whatever payment methods that fit their lifestyle and values.”

Heifer International and Other Charities

For those who are looking at donation options, Heifer International, an organization that strives to end world hunger and poverty, has recently made bitcoin available as a donation method. Transactions are executed through the payment processor, BitPay.

It is evident that the number of places that accept Bitcoin has continued to grow to accommodate new consumer preferences. Although there is still a ways to go, it appears that continued adoption of cryptocurrency transactions can be expected in the near future.

Categories: Finance

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