Are you one of the many striving call center agents in the call center industry? Have you noticed how your top-performer colleagues were able to meet quota and KPIs despite the many challenges that your work may cause? Are you wondering how to improve your inbound and outbound sales, too? Or have you been thinking of how to effectively boost your KPI and achieve a higher level of revenue per client or RPC? Regardless of your reasons, it’s essential to know the secret to achieve what you’re aiming for.
Being an inbound call center agent is never easy. This particular call center job isn’t easy to manage because of numerous invested constituents and swiftly moving parts. Additionally, certain instances may disrupt your capability to handle a call volume you’ve no control over. To be a successful leader or worker in this field, you must be clever and agile to get back on your high-level performances. At the same time, team leaders have to be in sync with people who may show interest in the inbound call center such as customers, agents, and support staff.
What Is Call Center Reporting?
Call center reporting refers to the process of acquiring key insight from within contact center systems into specific reports, which typically include the AD system. This AD system automatically creates reports both in real-time and historical. This includes call detail records, agent status reports, and agent activity reports.
Most contact centers need a smarter, more efficient, and more accurate reporting solution. Call center reporting solutions may give full visibility across the contact center and the entire organization.
There are top seven types of call center reports which include:
- Agent Activity Reports
- Agent Status Reports
- Call Transfer/Call Direction Reports
- Queue Activity Reports
- Inbound Call Summary
- Call Detail Records
- Call Abandon Reports
After learning about the call center industry as one of the most flourishing remote working setups and the importance of call center reporting, you now have to know the best practices in call center reporting, as they’re essential in creating comprehensive reports about the clients’ data. To help you more, below are the top four best practices in call center reporting.
1. Appropriate Consolidation of Data
To get a comprehensive picture of your business performance, you must track all data from customer journey to customer experience metrics and keep a record of it. It’s also necessary for you to incorporate every data that you have with each other to determine their common areas and touchpoints.
To appropriately consolidate all the data that you have, you must learn some smart call center data consolidation processes to make your job easier by connecting all channels to formulate a comprehensive solution.
2. Manage Security of The Reports
Call centers along with their agents handle vast quantities of personal information of other people. Due to various cyberattacks being rampant, especially with the advancements to technology that allows people to commit offenses easily, most people are now becoming more vigilant and aware of their privacy and tighten security measures. To better cater to their security needs, you must ensure reliable security and privacy regulations to effectively safeguard all your reports. Apart from that, you may also seek the help of professional IT experts and security service providers to tighten the security in your call center business.
You should also always remember to limit the accessibility of your data to make sure that your reporting tools and data are well secured, and only choose trustworthy people to have access to it.
3. Enhance Your Reports’ Readability and Accessibility
One of the best practices in call center reporting includes: improving your reports’ accessibility, shareability, and readability. If your colleagues have a hard time accessing, reading, or running your reports, then you’re not able to make them serve their purpose. Particularly, one of the main purposes of call center reporting is to make tracking metrics and managing your call center easier. If they’re not that, then your report isn’t serving their purposes well.
You must also know that the key to successful reporting practices includes making relevant reports and shareable formats. Also, finding the appropriate software for your company is important in making readable and accessible call center reports.
4. Provide Relevant Information
Call centers are responsible for taking care of an ample quantity of data, be it personal or not. This makes them responsible for filtering such data and focusing solely on significant aspects through customized reports. When making one, always remember to include valuable key performance indicators (KPI) and make your reports uncomplicated if possible.
Additionally, you can also utilize dependable software assistance to enhance your reports for varied purposes, groups, and departments. Also, always remember that not all people need the same information, so make sure to provide them specific reports that they need.
Being a call center agent is never easy. You’re expected to safeguard other people’s personal information and provide quality performances to your clients. You’re also responsible for accommodating other people’s concerns regarding varying issues to the best of your capacity and knowledge.
In terms of making reliable reports, you may incorporate some helpful ways, such as consolidating your data properly, managing your report’s security, enhancing its accessibility, readability, and shareability, and ensuring to provide relevant information to the people who may need them. Knowing some of these practices in call center reporting may be of significant help to you to become the best employee that you aim to be.