video marketing

Video Marketing: What For Captions Is Needed?

by Josh Biggs in Digital Marketing on 15th August 2021

Video marketing is a promotion on the Internet by using video. This has been staying a promising direction and trend for several years.

87% of Western companies are already using video marketing as a separate area of ​​online promotion. 91% of video marketing specialists consider videos to be an essential element of their marketing strategy, and 83% of them noted that the money invested in video content returns and brings profit to the company.

84% of marketers say video helps increase website traffic and determine that using video on landing pages can increase conversions by 86%.

Video is attractive not only from a business point of view but from a consumer one. Thus, 68% of the surveyed users prefer to learn about a new product from short videos. 96% of users admitted that they watch videos to find out more about the company of interest and its activities. And 54% said they want to see more videos from their favorite brands.

Videos can help you reach even more buyers and increase their brand engagement. Moreover, videos can reduce the burden on service departments, for instance, on a support service or a call center. Companies can post videos about their products and describe the features, demonstrate how to use them correctly or what to do if the product doesn’t work.

Who Needs Captions and for What Purpose

Hearing-impaired captions and captions for the Deaf are analyzed by search engines as well. Therefore, these inscriptions on the screen are another tool for SEO promotion. It’s not necessary to duplicate the entire scale completely. You can give basic information, as well as explanations and additions to what was said in the video. You should also insert keywords and their synonyms.

Imagine yourself riding the overcrowded bus or queuing in a public place and trying to watch a video. You will most likely turn off the sound and read the captions. Naturally, content that isn’t provided with high-quality subtitles will fail. Thus, captioning is needed not only for people with hearing impairments but for a much larger segment of the audience.

To understand better why you should spend your time and add captions to your videos, read below.

Captions for Your Audience

Why and in what cases viewers need subtitles:

  • They don’t speak the language of the video. You can further increase your audience by translating phrases into other languages.

    How often have you come across the fact that you couldn’t watch the video you liked because you didn’t know the language? Your business, products, or services may be attractive in other countries. And that’s why it’s critical to provide an opportunity to enjoy your content in the target audience language. Add captions in the languages ​​of your potential customer base and make your business international.
  • They experience complete deafness or hearing impairment. There are millions of people who are deaf or hard of hearing. And about 5% of the world’s population has some degree of hearing loss. None of these people can fully enjoy your videos without captions.

    Captions help people who can’t hear sounds. Therefore, make your captions as accurate, legible, and in sync with your video as possible. Better video accessibility leads to more potential viewers and thus to more customers.
  • They can prefer the silent mode. With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, viewers can access the Internet and videos from virtually anywhere and anytime. However, this doesn’t mean that they can enjoy audio-videos wherever they are.

    If viewers can understand your videos in an environment where they can’t turn on the sound, they will have more possibilities to watch them. Don’t let their surroundings get in the way of viewing your content — just add captions.
  • They want to learn a new language. Millions of people watch foreign language videos with subtitles to learn grammar. Let them combine the educational aspect with your business – and they would probably turn your customers.

Captions for Business

Captions help many users to watch videos more conveniently. This, in turn, can help you promote your business and increase your website’s conversion rate.

In addition, you will expand your viewership and increase the number of interested subscribers. Moreover, not only compatriots but foreigners will be able to watch your videos, for instance, on YouTube, share them with friends and save by using YouTube video downloader for PC.

If you add a description of what is happening in the video to the text by using keywords, you will increase your position in the search list. As a result, your website or YouTube channel can be easier found in search engines.

Several Subtleties

If you have already convinced yourself that you need to add captions right now, let’s consider some peculiarities and nuances.

  • When adding captions in your native language, be prepared to take the time. Needless to say, the text must be readable and mistakes-free; otherwise, it will simply distance your viewer.

For independent work with captions, you need to choose suitable software. You can learn more about the top editors on the web.

  • Adding captions in a foreign language has its peculiarities as well.

If you’ve ever watched a movie with a bad translation, you know it can spoil the experience. Each language is unique and has complex grammar rules and cultural norms that only a native speaker can understand. 

  • The more languages ​​you want to add, the more expensive and more time-consuming it becomes to produce each video. Consider your video content strategy and the budget you are willing to spend on making videos.
  • Consider the cost of captioning in each language and the projected growth in sales. After that, highlight the foreign language that best suits your goals.
  • If your translation strategy works and your sales increase accordingly, consider the next language. The main thing is not to try to make captions in all possible languages ​​at once.
  • Make sure you are spending money on a high-quality translation of your video. Simple online translators won’t help you without further text adaptation. A poor translation will cost more than a good one due to lost sales.

Video is a revolutionary way of advertising and brand building as it’s the most engaging form of content to share.

A significant number of users watch videos on social networks without sound. There are many reasons for this, from watching videos in public and general annoyance about the sounds. Captioning is vital to ensure that video content reaches your audience completely. Make a great video, and your audience will sell it for free by sharing it with their friends. Good luck!

Categories: Digital Marketing

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